Year 4 Make Roman Shields!

In Year 4 Saffron and Amber, the topic this half term has been The Romans. We have been learning a lot about Roman history, Roman geography, Roman stories and myths and Roman armies. The Romans fought in huge armies and they had very strong armour, like helmets and shields. In Design and Technology lessons we designed and made these shields ourselves! Thank you very much to all of the families who sent in cardboard to make this project possible!

First we had to carefully cut and stick two pieces of cardboard together so that we had a strong base for our shield.

First we had to carefully cut and stick two pieces of cardboard together so that we had a strong base for our shield.

Then we used our design to draw on our interesting pattern, in the style of Roman Armour.

Then we used our design to draw on our interesting pattern, in the style of Roman Armour.

Then we had to carefully paint our Roman Shields, being careful to stick to our design! We used red and yellow because those were the Roman Army colours.

Then we had to paint our Roman Shields, being careful to stick to our design! We used red and yellow because those were the Roman Army colours.

We added detail to make our shields colourful and eye catching.

We added detail to make our shields colourful and eye catching.

Finally, we displayed our work in our school for all to see! We are proud of our effort in DT and our completed Roman Shields!

Finally, we displayed our work in our school for all to see! We are proud of our effort in DT and our completed Roman Shields!