The Little Red Hen in Reception


Over the past week, our Reception classes have been reading The Little Red Hen.

In the story, the hen plants some wheat and harvests it to make delicious bread to eat. However, her friends on the farm are less than helpful and rather than respect their right to join in and be part of a team, they leave her to make it all by herself!

Luckily, the children in Reception are experts at respecting Osmani’s Golden Rights and inspired by the story, they worked together as a team to bake their own bread to share with each other.

To begin with, the children used their ever-expanding phonics knowledge to help them to write a shopping list of ingredients. Then, they watched a video to learn exactly how bread is made from scratch. After that, the children wrote a list of instructions on how to make bread, before finally coming together to follow their recipe, letting the adults put their batches of dough in the oven. After all, we have to respect our rights to be safe at school!

The children got to eat their tasty creations with some jam or chocolate spread. They enjoyed their learning throughout the week and our budding bakers are now looking forward to further cooking adventures in the future. Watch this space…

Have a look at our brilliant baking!